Risk Management solution for fundamental investing
Integrate risk within your investment process to better understand what you’re buying, what you’re exposed to, and where your alpha is coming from.
Tailor easy-to-use dashboards and reports based on your own strategies for an accurate view of opportunities and threats. Act with confidence to make sound investment decisions.
EDS for risk management helps hedge funds and asset managers enhance their portfolio framework with powerful exposure and risk decomposition analytics.
Analyze top-down risk and exposure
- Understand exposure from portfolio level down to strategy, sector, analyst and individual positions.
- Utilize intuitive and flexible dashboards that include deep risk analysis (volatility, factor risk and VAR) for quick insights.
- Utilize one-click simulation/optimization – ideal for analysts, traders and PMs.
A comprehensive, cost-effective platform
- Isolate risk components, such as asset selection (idio), factors, industries, etc.
- Discover performance impact when you reduce or raise internal earnings estimates or price targets.
- Use factor screener to drive risk-based idea generation.
Integrate any model, data and vendor
- Maximize risk processes through deep integration with idea generation and portfolio construction.
- Switch between funds, models and strategies, while bringing in internal data or custom formulas that are tailored to each team.
- Stress testing that is high performance, configurable and easy-to-use.
Be more prepared and proactive
- Utilize absolute and relative factor-based (ex. idiosyncratic vs. style) and traditional attribution, such as by analyst, geography, sector, hit ratios, etc. Add intra-day and Brinson attribution, as well.
- Generate reporting that is configurable and able to handle multiple portfolios, asset classes and indices.
- Determine teams and individuals, or trading decisions, contributing or detracting from performance.