Performance Attribution solution for fundamental investing
Drive better investment decisions with an integrated approach to attribution, harnessing all performance metrics to generate meaningful insights, understand your strengths and know your blindspots.
EDS for performance attribution helps investment teams understand what drives their performance on an absolute or relative basis.
Identify and measure
- View your portfolio’s gross and net exposures overtime on an absolute or relative basis.
- Analyze top-down by strategy, geography and sectors, and bottom-up by position and team members.
- Monitor the performance and risk that comes from asset selection vs. common factors.
Understand what is driving the markets
- Isolate and optimize your risk and performance across any macro, industry and individual style factors.
- Calculate portfolio statistics including Hit ratio, Sortino ratio, Sharpe, best month return, and worst month return.
- Use the Brinson-Fachler model to decompose the active return of any portfolio into asset allocation, selection and interaction effect, across multiple time periods.
Repeat your successes and optimize resources
- Switch between funds, models and strategies, while bringing in internal data or custom formulas that are tailored to each team.
- Understand how each strategy, position or team member is impacting the fund/portfolio across any time frame, including intra-day.
- Configure reporting according to your needs, such as for monthly reporting, adhoc investor questions, or investment team-related analysis.
Benefit from our integrated performance attribution system
- Integrate attribution intelligence into all investment workflows — idea generation, research management, portfolio construction and risk management — to enhance outcomes.
- Optimize position sizing based on attribution metrics (i.e., hit ratios, risk metrics, sector exposure, analyst performance).
- Identify opportunities and threats more effectively by bringing exposure, as well as risk and performance attribution, into the portfolio dashboards.