Idea Generation solution for fundamental investing
Make the most of the intelligence you access – search, aggregate, prioritize, rank, codify and analyze in one platform, across all global securities. Measure and iterate idea generation to improve conviction and ensure the best ideas make it into the portfolio.
Centralize Excel and research workflows to enhance investment selection, add actionable insights and improve productivity.
EDS for Idea Generation helps hedge funds and asset managers surface opportunities, as well as measure and iterate actions, making the process repeatable.
Systematic Workflows
- Get better crowding analysis, earning previews, ownership, insider activity and short interest interpretation.
- Create price targets, DCF, IRRs and/or forecast valuation re-ratings.
- Back-test to determine the efficacy of the inputs that drive your decisions.
A single pane of glass
- Integrate all your intelligence – internal, fundamental, external and alternative data.
- Track every change, input, and decision automatically with an intelligent database for more powerful analytics and to highlight drivers of your performance.
- Compare internal estimates vs. consensus and track the accuracy of your projections.
Make your best ideas repeatable
- Monitor actionable insights with screening, valuation, competitive and ownership analytics.
- Experience a rigorous, comparative analysis - i.e., historical, cross-sectional, relative, proforma, etc.
- Save time, reduce errors and improve forecasting accuracy with tearsheets and comp sheets for precise modeling of valuation.
Discover what makes an impact
- Instantly highlight the financial, factor and macro drivers of your ideas with statistical analytics.
- Utilize purpose-built, collaborative dashboards that perform competitive and scenario analysis across multiple methodologies, instantly.
- Improve collaboration and accountability across your entire team.